We are staying at the same hotel as Hillary Clinton.

The King David is the primary hotel in Israel where foreign heads of state and other international dignitaries stay.  We saw George Mitchell walking down the hall with his security detail.  The Israeli army (IDF) and Israeli policy blocked off the street in front of the hotel.

Earlier tonight we saw Bibi Netanyahu, the new prime minister of Israel, at the restaurant where we had dinner.

Today, when we visited the Knesset (Israeli parliament) we saw Tzipi Livni, the head of the largest party—Kadima—in the Knesset.  She’ll be the leader of the opposition in the Knesset.

So many other exciting things happened today that I barely know how to capture it all. 

I still need to provide highlights of our visit to Jordan’s primary archaeological sites:  the Roman city of Jerach and the fabulous Nabatean city of Petra, carved out of living rock in a narrow canyon that gradually opens into broader canyon holding an advanced city from 100 BCE.